Santa Fe Las Campanas-Update From The Board


About 65 members attended the September 24th Board meeting.  For those unable to attend, provided herewith is a recap.

• The Buckman Direct Diversion is once again supplying water and the lakes on the course at Las Campanas are full.
• The banks on Lake 18 have been cut and are ready for the concrete wall application that will effectively seal the lake.
   o Action taken by the Las Campanas Board: The Board approved the repair to Lake 4 and the work will be done upon completion of Lake 18.  Because the contractor is on-site, the Club will realize a savings of about $25,000.
• Repairs to tennis courts 3 and 4 have been completed and the new courts have been received with enthusiasm.  It will take about a month for them to reach optimum playing condition.
• The month of August ended with 400 full-dues members and 308 half-dues members (full dues equivalent: 554).  In January of this year we had 404 full-dues members and 298 half-dues members (full dues equivalent: 553).
• Timing of expenses, particularly water, resulted in a negative variance to budget for the month of August; however, we’re still performing better than budget year-to-date.
• Budget process is underway and will be presented to the Finance Committee on October 9.  After any necessary revisions are made it will again be reviewed by the Finance Committee and then presented to the Board on November 12.  The goal is a break even budget with $250,000 set aside for capital reserves.
• The new Las Campanas Equestrian Director, Thom Pollard, is now on property.  He brings a wealth of equestrian management experience.  His specialty, hunter jumper, will round out our overall equestrian program.
• Our redesigned Las Campanas newsletter was launched and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
• The Member Survey is being finalized and will be sent to the members in the coming weeks. We hope for a huge participation rate as your input is very important.
• The Fitness and Tennis Committee will be discussing indoor pool operating procedures at their next meeting.
• The Family Committee is working on a very comprehensive calendar of family events for 2013.
• The Membership Committee has scheduled a Membership “Town Hall” for October 30 at 4 p.m.  This will be an opportunity for the Membership Committee to share background information as well as some of the ideas that are being considered.
• Action taken by the Board: The Board approved the following exceptions to the step down moratorium:
   o Widow/widower.
   o Medical Hardship for a member diagnosed with a medical disability that permanently prohibits him/her from being able to play golf.
         The number allowed in this category will be limited and determined by the budget.  The Board has tentatively approved two for 2013 with the possibility of as many as five depending on budget results.
         Medical Hardship requests must be submitted in the month of March and must be received no later than April 1 of each year.  Any step down granted will be enacted on May 1 of that year.
         A form to apply for the Medical Hardship Step Down may be obtained from the Club’s Membership Director.
The Board does not have a meeting in October.  Instead, we will meet on November 12 and 13 to address the 2013 budget and the Club’s Strategic Plan.  Your input from the Member Survey will be an important part of our planning session. 
Another summer is behind us and we hope that you enjoyed the season.  However, there are still many fabulous events and reasons to be at The Club at Las Campanas.  See you there!