New Project Proposed For Las Campanas, Santa Fe


There is a 44-acre parcel of land on the south side of Camino la Tierra cater-cornered to the commercial complex where Arroyo Vino is located that is currently zoned Residential, with an permitted density of 1 residential unit per 2.5 acres. In June 2013, the current owner of the parcel, Las Campanas Land Holdings, LLC, requested the County of Santa Fe to change the zoning for this parcel (Parcel #980001322) to Mixed Use classification.


In connection with the newly adopted Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC), the County has proposed for adoption a new draft Zoning Map dated March 21, 2014. The 44-acre parcel is depicted as MU (Mixed Use) on the proposed Zoning Map. When adopted, the Zoning Map will establish zoning classification for all parcels of land in Santa Fe County.


Mixed Use classification provides for areas of compact dense development of primarily residential and some commercial uses. Mixed Use allows the construction of a development with a density of up to 20 residential units per acre (for this parcel, up to 880 residential units) and with a building height of up to 48 feet (4 stories). There are no limitations on building square footage other than those imposed practically by lot coverage and height limitations.


It is the hope of the current owner to utilize the subject site for senior housing facility, assisted living, life care or continuing care facility, or skilled nursing facility with density no greater than 5 residential units per acre.  It has requested that the County provide a density calculation, or formula, as part of the SDLC’s intent to define density for these uses (i.e., group quarter living) in all zoning classifications. The current owner cannot, however, assure anyone with certainty that it will develop the site as such or that it will not sell it to a third party who might have other plans.


Two public hearings on the adoption of the zoning map are scheduled for May 28 and June 25, 2014, starting around 5 pm at the Bureau of County Commissioners Chambers at 102 Grant Street. Mr. Timothy Cannon of the County Growth Department advises that persons who don’t want to see a project of the magnitude that Mixed Use classification would allow built on that parcel should write a letter of objection to County Commissioner Miguel Chavez, PO Box 276, Santa Fe, NM 87504-0276, with a copy to Penny Ellis-Green, Director, Growth Management, County of Santa Fe (same address) before the May 28th hearing, and attend the hearings to voice their concerns to the Commissioners. Commissioner Chavez can also be reached at and Ms. Ellis-Green can be reached at


Anyone having questions or desiring more information about this matter may contact Suzy Eskridge (505) 310-4116,, or John House (505) 983-0047,



John House

Chairman of the Las Campanas Community Relations Committee