As we begin a new year and reflect on the strength of our Club at Las Campanas, we are pleased to report on some important innovations initiated by the Las Campanas Board which are already enhancing the continued strong progress achieved over the last year at Las Campanas.
One of the surest signs of the health and vibrancy of any private club is the stability and growth of its membership. We all know that the most severe global economic crisis in our lifetimes did not leave private club membership rosters unscathed, and Las Campanas was no exception. However, despite the slow pace of the economic recovery, last year proved to be a strong year for membership sales, with solid sales performance registered in all membership categories, including those new membership instruments initiated to introduce our Club at Las Campanas to new member prospects. The appeal of our Club at Las Campanas was further evidenced by the fact that the limited number of released non-equity memberships sold out prior to our peak season.
This progress is undoubtedly based on the strong value proposition Las Campanas offers its members, the very solid financials The Club at Las Campanas has managed to deliver, and an increasing number of innovations th Las Campanase Board has authorized consistent with best practice for high-end Clubs elsewhere in the country.
For information on the new membership initiatives, please contact Britt Gladu, Las Campanas membership Director, 505-995-3544