Rates remain even with last week in almost every category. And there isn’t a great deal of economic reports coming this week, which would normally effect the mortgage market. Bernanke is speaking this evening, and isn’t expected to begin raising short-term rates until at least the end of the year. HOWEVER, the European Central Bank is expected to raise their short-term interest rates (for the first time since 2008). Such a rise of short-term rates will create some pressures in our mortgage interest rates, so don’t be surprised if there are swings this week of an 1/8% or more – first in one direction, then the other. Obviously, other global activities also influence rate trajectory.
FOR Primary Residence (purchase only)
As of 04/04/2011
Mortgages to $417,000
w/ 1 PointAPRw/ no PointAPR
Mortgages $417,001 – $500,000
w/ 1 PointAPRw/ no PointAPR
30-YR5.00%5.125% 5.50%5.537%
15-YR4.50%4.712% 4.75%4.811%
Mortgages $500,001 – $600,000
w/ 1 PointAPRw/ no PointAPR
30-YR5.00%5.125% 5.75%5.787%
15-YR4.625%4.838% 4.875%4.936%
Mortgages $600,001 – $1,500,000
w/ 1 PointAPRw/ no PointAPR
Mortgages in excess of $1,500,000, ARM (Adjustable Rates Mortgage) & Interest Only programs are also available – Please call for Quotes.
Ginger Bowe Sullivan
P. O. Box 5724
Santa Fe, NM 87502-5724
Phone: 505-995-8888
Toll-Free: 800-995-8888 (if calling outside Santa Fe)
Fax: 505-995-8885