July 4th Pool Party/BBQ Seating Alert
As many of you know, furniture at the outdoor pool at the Las Campanas Fitness Center is limited–so please feel free to bring your favorite lawn chair or chaise lounge to the July 4 festivities taking place poolside from 11:30 a.m to 3 p.m.
July 4 Hours of Operation Adjustments
*The Las Campanas Mixed Grill will be closed for regular dining.
* Lunch will only be available at the Torreon or at the July 4 BBQ Buffet at the Las CampanasFitness Center.
*The Cafe at the Las CampanasFitness Center will be the site of the July 4 BBQ Buffet and is otherwise closed for regular dining.
*The Las Campanas pool will close at 5 p.m.
*An abbreviated schedule of group exercise classes is as follows:
9 a.m. – Pilates
10:15 a.m. – Zumba
11:30 a.m. – Power Up
July 7 – Las Campanas Annual Member Meeting; 9 a.m. at the Clubhouse
If you have not yet voted, Las Campanas Board election ballots will be accepted between 8:30 & 9 a.m.
July 8 – Annual Las Campanas Community Foundation Art Auction; purchase one-of-a-kind works of art and contribute to a great cause!
Las Campanas Mixed Grill Dinner Specials
Tonight! July 2–Hot Coals at Las Campanas Log Cabin
July 4, 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Pool Party & BBQ
July 4, 6 p.m. Let Freedom Ring!–Don’t Miss the Americana Salute
July 28–Ever want to know what your fellow members are thinking? Don’t miss MENTALMANIA! where you’ll be amazed by this gifted performer
July 30–An Evening with MD Anderson Cancer Center–Complimentary Symposium & Dinner–Space is Limited
August 8–Shakespeare & Verdi
August 10–A Night of Comedy
July 4–Independence Day Tennis Tournament
July 7–Tennis Carnival–terrific tennis drills and games–all ages
July 10–SkinCeuticals Lecture: Summer Sun Advice
July 19–Shoulder & Elbow Injury Lecture
July 3–400-Hole Marathon Fundraiser–Support your Professionals– Jason Epstein, Erin Kato, Christopher Nieto and Charlie Becker
July 7-Las Campanas-Couples’ Tournament
New Dates! Short Game and Full Swing Schools
August 2–Corrales Bosque Trail Ride
August 16–Diablo Canyon Trail Ride