Las Campanas, Santa Fe, NM- Golf Update


If you’re here in Santa Fe, you know that the weather has been inconsistent at best over the past month. The extended forecast is looking much better, which means great golf is on the way! Please make sure you note the following over the next few weeks…

Taylor Made Demo Day Rescheduled for May 28th!!
Join us May 28th for our Taylor Made Demo Day. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to test golf’s hottest equipment! 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Not to be out done, Callaway Demo day is on May 29th, 11:00 a.m-3:00 p.m.!! And if that’s not enough, our Titleist Demo Day is on Friday June 5th.

Get the season started right and get fit for equipment that will maximize your game next week!

Free Lesson Day May 24th
Join Head of Instruction Pete Huber and the entire staff for this year’s first “free lesson day” which provide a series of complimentary one hour clinics!

9:00 a.m. Fundamentals of the Full-Swing
10:00 a.m. Drivers/Hybrids
11:00 a.m. Putting
12:00 a.m. Short Game
Space is limited; please call the golf shop to sign up today!

Golf Marathon June 2nd
We need your support! Kyle, Chris, Jordan and I are playing 100 holes each- 400 in total, to raise money for The Las Campanas Community Foundation, The Folds of Honor Foundation, and The PGA Junior golf Foundation. Last year we raised over $25,000. Thank you in advance for your contribution!
Complimentary Caddie Day is June 6th
Our caddie program is underway, we feel it will be a source of pride for The Club. To encourage the many benefits of using a caddie, June 6th, Caddies will be at no charge (tip only), no strings attached. We hope you will take advantage!
Couples Club Championship
Join in the fun June 7th for the Couples Club Championship. Rane Miller and Rob Schneider are back to defend their titles. 12:30 shotgun start.

Lastly, we have sand for the bunkers on Sunset! Well, some of it. The first of 48 truckloads have arrived at The Club. We are expecting half of the sand to arrive over the next seven days with the remainder having been loaded and on its way through the rail lines. Our contractors will begin putting the sand in the bunkers next week, we’ll continue to keep you updated on the progress as we go. The bunkers will continue to be played as ground under repair until the sand has been placed in them, relief is mandatory.

We are hopeful the bunker project will be completed in early June and thank you for your patience and understanding.

In closing, a very special thank you to all of our veterans who make Memorial Day so special and who have sacrificed so much for our country. You’re to be honored for your service every day.

With best wishes on a great weekend,


Jason Epstein, PGA
Director of Golf