March has arrived and with it the wind and warmer temperatures. tThe most dramatic thing in our environment right now is the juniper bloom. The male trees are almost glowing with their golden pollen sacks,driving many of us crazy with allergies and spreading it’s DNA to ensure future generations. Hang in there- it’s only for several more weeks. The wind and sun are drying out our soils so I encourage at least weekly waterings starting yesterday. Adding mulch will help a great deal in holding in the moisture and holding back the pending weeds. Hydrate those roots so they can support the coming leaves,flowers, and fruit.We are in drought. It’s not too late to prune your fruit trees,but don’t wait too long.. Now is also the time to prune back ornamental grasses and shrubs such as butterfly bush which bloom on new growth. Do not prune early blooming shrubs such as lilac and forsythia till after they bloom. Wait on roses for a few more weeks. Remember pruning stimulates growth and a late frost will damage that new growth. This is also the time to add slow release natural fertilizer such as Yum Yum mix down into the root zone of plants. It’s still too early for water soluble fertilizers as the nitrogen mixed with freezing temperatures can kill plants. These freezes will not affect bulbs that are beginning to bloom. The nurseries are beginning to brng in new plant material so this would be a good time to get designs in place so that when plants arrive you can begin filling in the landscape.Decide on the big picture so that your plan be carried out in a logical way. I have excellent and trusted contacts for landscape maintenance, seeding, tree removal, planting and even driveway up-grades.E-mail me for a referral. Enjoy the warm weather, but remember the cold and snow isn’t over yet. Springtime in the Rockies swings between 70 degrees and snow.