Las Campanas- Notes From the Board Meeting May 29, 2012

Thank you to the  Las Campanas members who attended Monday’s meeting.  Provided herewith is a summary of the meeting.  The next Las Campanas Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 25, at 1 p.m. 
• Las Campanas Management, LLC, (Cienda Partners) will hold an informational meeting at the Las Campanas Clubhouse for all Club members and Las Campanas owners on June 13 at 9:30 a.m.  A separate reminder will be emailed to you a week prior to the meeting.
• Las Campanas Management, LLC, has designated Allan Box as their representative on The Club’s Board of Directors.

• Future Board meeting Open Sessions will have a different format and include a mini “State of the Club” presented by the Las Campanas General Manager.

• The Las Campanas Board approved a rate increase for greens fees as recommended by the Las Campanas Golf Committee.

• The Club and the Owners’ Association have agreed upon a beautification project for the entrance from Las Campanas Drive to the manned Gatehouse.  The project will be funded jointly and under the direction of the Las Campanas Owners’ Association.

• Bob Buddendorf briefed The Board on the Scholarship Fund for the children of employees.  The primary funding source is the Play It Forward Charity Golf Tournament held at The Club in August; however, Mr. Buddendorf offered that members may contribute to the Fund independent of that tournament.

• Based on the recommendation of the Las Campanas Golf Committee and the Las Campanas Finance Committee, the Board approved the repair of Lake 18.  Work is expected to begin in mid-September.
     o Repairs to Lake 4 will be studied and possibly completed sometime next year.

• The Board approved a few edits to th Las Campanase Board Policy Manual.
Phil George
President of the  Las CampanasBoard