The Haciendas-Parade of Homes tour continues this week through Sunday but the much anticipated prizes for achievement were awarded Tuesday night. There are 28 homes on tour this year by area builders, 10 of which are in Las Campanas. But it is worth noting that of the awards made in all price points (excluding Green entries), 16 of the 21 honors went to homes built in Las Campanas. This strongly demonstrates the diversity and creativity fostered in this community and the attraction of building there. These award winning homes also represent some of the best values to be had in all of Santa Fe County. Kudos to Tierra Concepts, Berfish Development LLC & Schmitt & Assoc., Tent Rock Inc. and Michael Sivage Homes for creating exceptional homes in this exceptional community. Hours for the Parade of Homes are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 21, 22 and 23.