Golf at Las Campanas- Winter Update

By Jason Epstein, PGA

Winter Programming
We continue our winter clinic series through the New Year and hope you that are Las Campanas golf members are taking advantage of this great opportunity to strengthen your games during the off season…there is progress to be made! If you haven’t signed up for a TPI assessment or classes with a Fitness Instructor it’s not to late; hard work and dedication now will pay off with lower scores and greater enjoyment of the game over the summer.

Golf Clinic Schedule:

Wednesdays  1:00-2:00 TPI with Mike and Chris
Thursdays 11:00-12:00 Golf Clinics with Jason and Chris
Fridays from 11:00 to 12:00 TPI with Jeff and Chris
Saturdays 11:00-12:00 Golf Clinics with Jason and Chris

Las Campanas members please call ahead to register. Private Lessons are available through the winter with Chris or myself, contact us directly to set up an appointment at your convenience.

Practice at The Golf Center
I wanted to make sure that Las Campanas golf members are reminded that the Performance Center is open Wednesdays through Sunday for you to use at your Leisure. In addition, we’ll have the Golf Simulator on during these hours on Practice Mode; its as close as you can get to the real thing without being on the course. If you haven’t hit balls into the Simulator yet you ought to give it a try…it’s addictive.

Las Campanas golf members please check in with the Las Campanas Golf Shop prior to using the Center. The staff would be more than pleased to familiarize you with the technology, get you started and to help  in any way!

Wishing you and your family’s a great holiday season and Happy New Year,

Jason Epstein, PGA
Golf Professional
The Club at Las Campanas