Las Campanas Santa Fe Update – Las Campanas Members

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Membership Town Hall Meeting – May 1st

On Thursday, May 1st at 4:30 p.m., there will be a membership Town Hall Meeting to discuss the issues surrounding membership step downs. The meeting will be hosted by Membership Chair, Kevin Twomey, Director of Membership Development, Britt Gladu, and General Manger, David Loan. The purpose of the meeting will be to share the issues surrounding step downs and the challenges associated with implementing an equitable program.

The meeting is expected to last one hour. After the meeting, special “Winterfest” half-price cocktail pricing will be available.

Board Candidates “Meet and Greet” – June 8th

Please save the date, Sunday, June 8th for a “Meet and Greet” with this year’s Board Candidates. The Nominating Committee is currently working on developing the slate of candidates. Watch upcoming e-bulletins for more information about this important event.

Joe Colvin